October 2020


What a fun and eventful month of October we have had, with our autumn-themed activities culminating in a Halloween party full of games, music, and competitions!


Dear parents and children,


We were thrilled to have so many parents support the children during their first parents’ assembly on 19 October, when they presented a wide range of English and Mandarin songs based on the theme of Autumn and Halloween. Many of our young students had not performed to an audience before, and it’s not an easy thing to do at first. Tackling new challenges is, however, a wonderful opportunity for the children to discover what they’re capable of, gain new skills, and develop self-confidence. During the practice sessions in class and the presentation in assembly we witnessed them flex their creative muscles, have fun, and discover the benefits of working together as they learnt their words, sang their songs, and moved to the dance routines. These types of activities stimulate the body and the mind, and can have a positive effect on children’s emotional behaviour and development. If done often enough, they help develop social, motor, emotional, and language development. Let’s recognise both the challenges and the benefits of these activities for young children – please encourage them and don’t forget to applaud their wonderful efforts each time!

我們於10 月19 日舉行了第一次家長日,當日很多家長親臨學校參觀,讓孩子感到非常興奮,他們演唱了多首跟「秋天和萬聖節」主題相關的英文和國語歌曲;當中有部份學生從未試過面對觀眾表演,首次嘗試實不容易;透過迎接新挑戰讓孩子發掘自己的能力、學習新技能和建立自信。透過課堂和集會練習,我們目睹學生展示他們的肌肉、享受當中樂趣,並發現孩子們一同學習單詞、唱歌和跳舞的好處。這類唱遊活動不但可以刺激孩子的身體發展和思維,更對他們的情緒行為和發展有正面的影響;如果持續練習,有助孩子發展他們的社交、身體協調、情感和語言發展。讓我們一起見證這些活動為年幼孩子帶來的益處,每次在他們表演唱歌後請以熱烈的掌聲來鼓勵他們!

What fun we had on 2 November with teachers and students getting into the spirit of Halloween by dressing up in creative and inspiring costumes. Activities and games included Pin the Eyes On Frankenstein, Mix ’n’ Match Pumpkin Face, Pumpkin Hoola Toss and Assemble the Skeleton, amongst many others. All of these fun group activities developed teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills, as well as gross and fine motor development.


The word continues to spread that Mills is the school to attend! What a busy Open Day we had on 11 October. Families who joined us were impressed with our outstanding school, wonderful teaching team, and impressive curriculum. We are now inviting new students to join us during the current academic year and also for 2021-22.

很高興苗士幼稚園已成為各家長的熱門之選! 10 月17 日舉行的開放日現場人頭湧湧,相信到訪過的家長們定必欣賞我們的校園、優秀的教師團隊和優質的教學課程。我們歡迎於本學年插班的新生和已報讀2021 至2022 學年的孩子。

As the weather begins to cool in November, K1 to K3 students will have their physical education lessons outdoors, weather permitting, and this is sure to be fun and invigorating!

踏進11 月,秋意漸濃,K1 至K3 的學生於天朗氣清的日子將於戶外上體育課,屆時一定會充滿歡笑聲和朝氣!

Note that students will change from summer to winter uniforms by mid-November, so please complete your winter uniform order form and return it to administration as soon as possible.

學生需於11 月中換上冬季校服,請儘快填妥並交回定購冬季校服回條,敬希留意。

We hope you have an enjoyable mid-term break and that the children return in November ready for more exploration, discovery, and learning during the second half of Term 1.


Warmest regards,
Ms Deirdre


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