November 2020


Empathy is the primary emotion that inspires people to help others and November was a month for teaching the children about the importance of supporting others less fortunate.


Dear parents and children,


To mark Thanksgiving we supported local charity Feeding Hong Kong and their Annual Festive Food Drive. Thank you for generously supporting this initiative and encouraging the children to share healthy food items with families in need. These kinds of activities help to build children’s self-esteem and self-worth, by showing them that their actions matter.

為了慶祝感恩節, 我們支持了香港慈善機構 “樂餉社” 以及他們的年度食物募捐活動。我們非常感謝大家慷慨支持這個計畫,並鼓勵小朋友們與有需要的家庭分享健康食品。這類活動能培養小朋友的自信及自我價值,讓他們知道自己的行動是重要的。

For our Thanksgiving event, each student decorated a leaf at home and told us what they are grateful for. It’s important to encourage children to consider and appreciate the things that are truly important in their lives, such as good friends, kind parents, supportive teachers, healthy food, healthy bodies, and nature.

作為感恩節活動,每位學生都在家裝飾了一塊樹葉,以分享自己感恩的事。鼓勵小朋友去思考及感恩生命中要緊的事是非常重要的, 例如好朋友、仁慈的父母、經常鼓勵我們的老師、健康食糧、健康的身體、大自然等等。

Then we dressed in blue on 30 November to mark World Diabetes Month and raised money for Youth Diabetes Action. This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to gain an insight into the challenges of a child just like them living with an ongoing illness. Our School Supervisor, Joanna Hotung, who is also Chairperson Emeritus of Youth Diabetes Action, read the students a story to aid their understanding and demonstrate how strength of character can help us overcome difficulties.

我們在世界糖尿月的最後一天穿上藍色衣裳為兒童糖尿協會籌款。這對小朋友們是一個美好的機會,能讓他們了解有著長期病患的小朋友日常所面對的挑戰。我們的校監 Joanna Hotung 也是兒童糖尿協會主席,她與學生們說故事,讓他們深入了解,及讓他們明白意志是可以幫助我們克服困難的。

We’ve seen snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees, elves, and Santas around school recently. The festive decorations are being hung and students will soon start to practise for our upcoming online event on 11 December.

我們最近於學校看到雪花、雪人、聖誕樹、精靈和聖誕老人!全個校園都充滿了節日的裝飾,同學們期待著他們即將於12 月11 日舉行的網上演出。

Teachers are now finalising children’s first academic reports for the year, and we are delighted with the students’ progress at all levels; with our youngest students busy acquiring new self-help skills and our older students making great progress in their academic studies.

老師們即將完成小朋友這年第一份的學校報告, 我們對於學生們每一方面的進步都非常滿意; 年幼的學生每一天都在獲取不同的新技能, 而我們年長的學生在課業方面都有明顯的進步。

Head Boy, Head Girl, and Class Captains for 2020-2021 will be announced on 11 December! We hope to see you all there, supporting the children in their efforts.

我們將於12月11日宣布 2020 - 2021的男、女學生代表及每一班的班長!我們希望能在音樂會看到你們為小朋友們給予鼓勵。

The teachers also look forward to meeting you during the parent-teacher consultations in December to discuss how your child has grown developmentally during Term 1. Please feel free to voice any concerns or questions during these meetings.


I wish to take this opportunity to thank you all and to say how blessed I have been during the past five years in my role as School Director of Mills International Preschool. I have had the pleasure of working with teachers who care deeply for their students, with parents who support their children’s education, and with students who have demonstrated great kindness, talent, and potential. I am immensely proud of the wonderful work that we do at Mills each day, and I wish all of the children continued happiness, health and success.


Warmest regards,
Ms Deirdre


December 2020


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