K2 | Minibeasts



It’s been another exciting month of on-campus and online learning! We have been investigating Mini-beasts, creating beautiful artworks, learning ball control skills, and exploring different musical instruments.


The students have continued exploring the topic of Mini-beasts this month and have learned about the life cycles and habitats of bees, ants, and ladybirds. We’ve learnt all about the dynamics of a bee hive, the anatomy of an ant and how to work together as a team like an ant colony, and all about the diversity of ladybirds during online learning.


We have been getting energetic and active during our PE lessons. The students have been learning ball control skills and I have been so impressed with our aspiring footballers! They have been able to carefully pass and stop the ball during partner work, weave through cones during dribbling drills and then score magnificent goals at the end.


Everyone thoroughly enjoyed celebrating Diwali together! We were so proud of the beautiful rangoli that the entire school made collectively and we loved our Bollywood dance lessons with Ms Risha. We couldn’t have asked for a more special day to commemorate this occasion.

每個孩子都非常喜歡一起慶祝排燈節!我們為美麗的藍果麗感到驕傲,以至於整個學校都沈浸在集體學習的歡樂中,我們喜歡與Ms Risha一起學習寶萊塢舞蹈。對於這樣一個具有特殊意義的日子,我們實在不能要求更多。

November has been a wonderful month filled with exciting activities and we couldn’t be more excited to begin the festive fun with all the children in December!


Ms Amy, Ms Clydine and Mr Elliot  


K2 have been learning about mini-beasts. They’ve explored bee hives, learnt about the characteristics of a bee, and understand that bees make honey. They showed great interest in counting the numbers of bees in the hive.


Through storytelling, they also learnt about the characteristics and types of ants. They understood that the antenna is used to send signals. The students are now able to make sentences such as “An ant is small and an elephant is big”.


The students have discussed beetles and know that beetles are helpful insects especially in the garden. They have used vocabulary learnt from their Mini-beasts topic in homework exercises and made short phrases or sentences with numbers such as four beetles, five spiders, six butterflies, etc. This has helped the students practice their writing skills, consolidated their knowledge of the topic, and enhanced their sentence making skills.


Fan Laoshi (Ms Selina)


November 2020


K3 | Amazing Anatomy