K3 | Amazing Anatomy



This month we have continued with our Amazing Anatomy topic of study and have further explored the many fascinating systems within our bodies. This month we built on our knowledge of the different organs to investigate the digestive system, respiratory system, and the circulatory system. The students all displayed inquisitiveness and curiosity as to the complexity of the inside of our bodies. They now each hold a much greater understanding of how everyday tasks such as breathing and eating are carried out by our amazing anatomy.


In phonics, I have seen significant progress in the children’s spelling. It is evident that they are now feeling much more confident in identifying the short vowel sounds and the process of blending, and this is evident in their weekly spelling tests. We have also continued learning the long vowels and students are recognising these sounds during reading practice.


In mathematics this month, we have continued with our practice of addition of single digit numbers and began to introduce subtraction too. The students are now familiar with the mathematical symbols for each and able to understand simple equations. We will continue to work towards introducing larger numbers to our addition and subtraction sums in the next month.


This month, as the weather cooled, we had the opportunity to go outside for our physical education class. The students relished the opportunity to get outdoors and participated in a fun and competitive game of football. I hope that in the coming months we will have more opportunity to move our active classes outdoors to enjoy the open space.


Much to their credit, as we made the switch to online learning halfway through this month, the students have not missed a beat, and made the transition seamlessly. I look forward to seeing them all again in class next month and finishing off the year with our Winter Wonderland topic.


Finally, we had four birthdays this month and all enjoyed a fun party together as a class! I want to wish one last happy birthday to Ngo Ching, Ngo Tin, Pranav and Tsz Shun, and thank you to all the parents who contributed to making it such a great morning!

最後,我們這個月有四個生日的小朋友,大家一起參加了一個有趣的聚會!我要祝願Ngo Ching, Ngo Tin, Pranav和Tsz Shun生日快樂,並感謝爸爸媽媽為這一美好的早晨做出的安排!

Mr Elliot


K3 students have been studying the theme Amazing Anatomy during November. They learnt about their body organs and the workings of the digestive system. Through MindUP deep breathing exercises, the students became more aware of changes in the lungs – expanding when inhaling and shrinking when exhaling. Whilst studying lungs, the students had a great opportunity to meet with ambulance officers at school and learn about the process of resuscitation. During online learning, K3 students have focused on the skeletal form and learnt the importance of exercising in maintaining bone structure.

高班的孩子們在十一月份繼續探索「神奇的人體」,這一次我們進入到身體的内部認識體内重要的器官。我們知道了食物會在消化系統内展開一個漫長的旅程,我們懂得了胃、小腸、大腸各有不同的功能幫助人體消化吸收食物;在練習Mindup的過程中我們感受體内肺部的變化,知道了「吸氣時肺會脹大,呼氣時肺會縮小」 ,在學習肺部知識時學校恰好安排了救護員到校講座,這讓孩子們親身體驗了如何幫助窒息患者進行復蘇的過程;最後我們在網絡課堂上和老師一起學習了骨骼的作用、主要骨骼的名稱以及運動有益於骨骼生長。

The weather has been nice and comfortable for outdoor activities, and students had so much fun playing football with their peers.


Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


K2 | Minibeasts


Playgroup | On the Farm