Playgroup | On the Farm


We’ve been exploring the theme On the Farm and Playgroup students have learned about different farm animals including horse, chicken, pig, sheep, cow and more. They explored the sounds farm animals make and their different colours. Students were also introduced to vegetables that grow on the farm such as corn, carrots, pumpkin and potato. We created animal and vegetable artworks too!


During BookStart ™, we read Old MacDonald Had a Farm and Dimity Duck and learned farm-themed vocabulary. We used animal puppets and rubber ducks during pretend play, and the children did a great job identifying the animals in the stories and repeating the sounds that farm animals make.


During SensoryPlay, students got busy washing the muddy farm animals, free painted with chicken eggs, and used puffy paint to create a muddy pig. They enjoyed the themed sensory bins and used their senses of touch and sight to explore the different textures on a farm.


The children have become more comfortable and confident in class. Their independence and willingness to explore and play has been very evident this month! November was also a time to celebrate the Indian festival Diwali. Playgroup students coloured and decorated their shapes to stick on the Rangoli. It was a wonderful way to introduce them to a different culture and the world around them.


Ms Louise


K3 | Amazing Anatomy


K1 | I Am Growing Up