K1 | I Am Growing Up



During November, we continued our theme I Am Growing Up. The children focused on changes in their growth and shared photos of themselves as babies and photos of themselves now. We even looked into the future and used a fun mobile application to see how the children might look when they are grandmas and grandpas!

在11月,幼兒班的孩子們繼續在「我長大了」這個主題單元學習。我們專注於讓孩子感受成長的變化,我們與全班同學分享了我們嬰兒時代的樣子和現在的樣子。 我們甚至展望了未來,並使用了有趣的移動應用程序讓我們有機會看到孩子們成為祖母或爺爺時的樣子!

We also had fun measuring each child’s height and making comparisons to see who our tallest and shortest friends are.


For Phonics, we explored letters E, F and G. The children got creative in their Alphabet Books by making ‘letter Ee is for egg’, ‘letter Ff is for flower’ and ‘letter Gg is for grapes’ artworks. We’ve also learned vocabulary for these letters and worked hard to trace the letters too. Our next step is to do our best to differentiate between the different letter sounds!


For Math time, we continued learning about shapes and looked at star and oval shaped objects. We’ve also been reviewing number recognition for numbers 1 to 10 and matching up the numerals with quantities of objects. We’ve challenged ourselves by counting backwards from 10 to 1. And we are looking forward to reviewing all the different shapes that we have learnt together.


During gross motor skills activities, the children practiced walking backwards, running, jumping and hopping. It was a lot of fun for us to put some of these skills and practices together. As for our fine motor skills, we’ve been moulding with playdough, weaving, and transporting small objects using our hands or tools. One of the fine motor skills activities that the children found challenging was copying block designs of up to 6 blocks.


The children love getting crafty in the Art Room and have been making projects that reinforce our I Am Growing Up theme. They practiced painting with brushes, tracing letters, and sticking small beads on their Birthday Hats. They also used sponges to paint their Move It Body artwork and then had fun constructing the parts together! We’ll be creating more interactive artworks such as Washing Hands and I Am Growing Up Art! that can be played with again and again.  


Ms Eloisa and Ms Jasmine


K1 students have continued with the I Am Growing Up theme during November. They learnt to help with housework such as wiping the table and sweeping the floor.


During math activities, the students learnt to identify and pronounce the numbers in Chinese. They also joined K2 and K3 students for an educational talk and learnt about the roles and responsibilities of ambulance officers. K1 were delighted when given an opportunity to try on an ambulance officer’s uniform. What a wonderful experience!


We have switched to online learning recently and K1 students have learnt self-care skills such as brushing teeth and getting dressed and undressed. They have also strengthened their language skills and are now able to say, “I can tidy up my own toys” and “I can put on my shoes”, etc.


Fan Laoshi (Ms Selina)


Playgroup | On the Farm


Pre-Nursery | Colours and Shapes Make My World