Pre-Nursery | Colours and Shapes Make My World


Pre-Nursery students are adjusting to school quite well and show great enthusiasm in learning with their friends. What a fun month we’ve had exploring different shapes such as circle, triangle, square, rectangle, and diamond. We mixed colours and used sponges to paint shape monsters. Our young students are becoming confident using the glue sticks and matching different shapes of food on their tasksheets.


During PE time, the children loved crawling through the tunnel and climbing on the climbing frame. They learned to be patient and wait for their turn, and also to be mindful of friends playing nearby.


This month, we had a great time watching The Kids On the Block puppet show and learning about healthy eating. We also celebrated Diwali by decorating artworks that were then added to our giant school Rangoli and enjoying lots of dancing, games, and storytelling.


When lessons switched to online, students were engaged and sang our circle time songs, listened to stories, and searched for different shapes around their apartments.


We look forward to having the children back on campus and we remain grateful for your support during these challenging times.


Ms Slava and Ms Louise


Pre-Nursery students have been focusing on shapes during November. We’ve been exploring rectangular, square, circular and triangular objects through songs and games. The children have been matching up flash cards according to their shapes, constructing building blocks, and making creative collages using different shapes. They now recognise common shapes in Mandarin. The children really enjoy interacting with their peers and have been developing their social skills during class activities.



Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


K1 | I Am Growing Up


K3 | Amazing Anatomy