K3 | Amazing Anatomy



It has been a pleasure to meet and get to know each of the K3 students over the course of this month. They have all been engaged and have displayed confidence and inquisitiveness throughout.


This month we have started our new topic, Amazing Anatomy, in which we have explored different parts of the human body. The students have learnt about the skeleton system, the muscles and joints, as well as the organs and their functions. They were fascinated by the sheer number of bones in the body and how they each fit together to protect our organs and allow us to move.


We also investigated the different parts of the brain and their roles. The students used their knowledge of our MindUP curriculum to understand how our emotions, thoughts and actions are all connected. It was great to see the students discussing examples of when they used different parts of their brains in the past.


We took a short break from our Amazing Anatomy topic to discuss the four seasons, with a focus on autumn and Halloween. The students really enjoyed practicing our Halloween song for the parents’ assembly and dressing up for the party!


In phonics, we have reviewed our vowel sounds and began to learn about the long vowels and how they are spelt. The students have had plenty of time to show their progress in reading. It is evident that they are using their growing phonetic knowledge to assist with their reading.


K3 expanded on their understanding of the numbers 1 – 100 and began counting in both 2s and 5s. We then used this to practice some simple addition.


October has been a wonderful month. Enjoy the short break and I look forward to welcoming each of you back in November!


Mr Elliot


During October, K3 students have created a nursery rhyme Hide and Seek with Me in Autumn with their teacher. The nursery rhyme describes the autumn scenery they see, the fruit they smell, and the sound of the autumn breeze they hear. The process of using their senses to understand the season is in keeping with their Amazing Anatomy topic and understanding how the body works.


Whilst observing the outdoor park, they learnt the importance of sight and played an I Spy game using “I see …” to make sentences. When learning about the nose, they explored autumn flowers, apple, mandarin, grapefruit, etc, to play the game What do you smell? They also learnt the important roles of the mouth and ears through the game Guess What I Do. They will continue exploring other organs in November.

我們在學校的窗邊用眼睛觀察戶外公園的景色,我們進行「眼明手快」的遊戲,在歡樂的笑聲中我們明白了遊戲的目的是老師希望大家記得「眼睛很重要。」,我們還運用了「我看見⋯⋯」這一句式進行造句;在學習「鼻子」的構造時,老師用桂花、蘋果、柑橘和柚子這些秋天的花果與我們進行「聞一聞 猜一猜」的遊戲;最後我們還透過「做動作猜詞語」的遊戲來認識了「嘴巴」和「耳朵」的重要性及其構造。那麽人體的內部又有哪些重要的器官和組織結構呢?老師將和孩子們在十一月時一起進行「奇妙的人體」第二階段的學習。

In addition to the themed-based activities, K3 students experienced the importance of teamwork during physical games, and enhanced their understanding and respect of friends during show and tell. They are actively participating in classroom activities and showing good progress and developments.


Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


Pre-Nursery | Colours and Shapes Make My World


K2 | Minibeasts