Pre-Nursery | Amazing Me


We started the school year in a different setting, yet we still had so much fun getting to know our students. They show great enthusiasm and focus during Zoom classes. Just look at these happy faces! 

我們以不同的方式開始了新學年的學習,讓我們開心的是孩子們在網絡教學上一樣特別的投入。 他們在Zoom課程中表現出極大的熱情和專注力,一直展現著他們快樂的笑臉!

During circle time we sang about greetings, the weather, feelings, and the days of the week. The students were very engaged and followed the teacher’s movements well.  


This month we focused on learning about Amazing Me – our bodies, our senses, feelings, and family. The children were able to identify their body parts and do some physical exercises. They enjoyed making happy and sad faces during art time.  


We used our five senses to explore different items, hear different sounds that musical instruments make, touch soft and hard toys, taste sweet orange and sour lemon, and smell muffins and stinky socks! 


The children shared about their family members and we even got to meet younger siblings during our Zoom time. We talked about different rooms in the house and students got to choose their favourite room.  


We have had so much fun this month and are delighted to have the children back on campus! Thank you for all of your support.  


Ms Slava and Ms Clydine


Our Pre-Nursery students have had their online classes since August – a special and new way to kick off our new academic year! During September, they’ve been exploring their first theme Amazing Me and learnt about their five senses and parts of the body through singing and storytelling. With the teachers’ guidance, they were able to understand ‘dad’ and ‘mum’ in Mandarin. They also learnt to say hello and goodbye to their teachers and friends. 

八月伊始,老師們和學前班的孩子們就以别開生面的方式見面了,老師們以活潑歡樂的網絡課堂開啓了學前班孩子們的學校生活。 我們學習的第一個主題是《神奇的我》。通過歡快的歌曲、活潑的律動和有趣的小故事,我們首先知道了臉部五官和身體部位的名稱;接着我們又學習了家庭成員的稱謂,在老師的協助下,孩子們能够用普通話說出“爸爸”、“媽媽”……最後我們還認識了學校的老師們和同學們,孩子們能够用“你好”和老師同學打招呼,下課時他們還會說“再見”和老師同學道别。由此可見,學前班的孩子們非常喜歡和老師、和同學進行交流互動呢! 

Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


Welcome back! | September 2020


K2 | Tell Me a Story