K2 | Tell Me a Story



We’re so proud of all the hard work and enthusiasm the students have shown during our online Zoom lessons and while learning at home. It’s a difficult and challenging time for everyone, but the children have adapted so well and continue to impress us with all their work. 


Our topic of study for this month was Tell Me a Story, and each week we explored a different book. We did this through various mediums, including music and movement, artworks, puppet shows, and many more!  


Our zoom lessons and pre-recorded videos have also focused on developing the student’s numeracy, literacy, and phonics skills. In phonics, we have been working on pencil control, learning the phonetic sounds of the alphabet, expanding our vocabulary, and learning how to write the upper and lower case letters.  


In numeracy, we’ve been reviewing numbers 1 – 20. We’ve been practising counting and identifying the numbers independently and writing them accurately. The students were asked to count how many items there are and were able to answer in full sentences using either ‘is’ or ‘are’.  

在計算方面,我們學習了1 –20。通過練習1-20的數數和數量,我鼓勵孩子們準確地寫出以上數字。我們通過讓孩子數出不同的數量,懂得在句式中使用單數或者複數。

Thank you again for your continued support and for sending us all the wonderful pictures and videos of the children learning from home during September. We look forward to continuing the learning on campus from October onwards! 


Ms Amy and Ms Clydine 


During the theme Tell Me a Story, K2 students have explored several stories; Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Elmer the Elephant, The Gruffalo, and The Three Little Pigs.  


Teachers narrated the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in the form of a puppet show and the students learnt vocabulary such as girl, three bears, chair, and bed. They further strengthened their understanding of the story content through the nursery rhyme Three Bears. They then listened to the story Elmer the Elephant and learnt different colours as well as the importance of accepting ourselves. After that, students learnt more vocabulary such as fox, snake, and owl in the story The Gruffalo and understood the principle of using wisdom to resolve problems. Lastly, through the story The Three Little Pigs the children learnt new vocabulary and also learnt to be practical. 


It is a challenge for the children to progress to K2 as it requires them to master pencil control skills and learn more complex words and sentences. We appreciate the students’ positive learning attitude and thank parents for supporting and encouraging their children’s learning. 


Fan Laoshi (Ms Selina)


Pre-Nursery | Amazing Me


K3 | Journey Back in Time