K3 | Journey Back in Time



The students have adapted well to online learning and it was great to see them so focused during recent lessons.  


During September, we took a Journey Back in Time to ancient Egypt. The students engaged well with the topic and asked a lot of great, inquisitive questions! They were surprised to learn that the pyramids are near the city, that Arabic is the spoken language in modern Egypt, and that the pyramids are tombs of the pharaohs.  


As we delved deeper into the topic, the students took a keen interest in what was inside the pyramids. One student asked If the pyramid is not a house, then what is inside? So we began our discussions on mummies and the sarcophagus. Again, it was wonderful to hear the children be so curious.  


They were very excited to show us all their beautiful artworks too! 


K3 students have also been busy with their writing practice this month. They learnt how to write a short introduction about themselves, and to think about the things they can and can’t do.  


In Numeracy, the children have been revising numbers 1 – 50 and learning about odd and even numbers.  


September has been a great month and we were delighted to welcome the students back on campus where more fun exploration and learning awaits! 


Ms Arianne


During their theme People and the Past K3 students discovered that archaeologists learn about ancient people by studying fossils and relics. They learnt that ancient people knew how to use fire to keep warm and how to sew using needles made from bone. They also discovered that ancient people grew crops and build houses which gradually developed into larger towns. 


K3 have also been exploring the Four Ancient Civilisations. They began by studying ancient Egypt and learnt that the Nile is the longest river in the world. They also learnt that when the Pharaoh (the King during ancient Egypt) died, he was mummified and buried in the pyramid. They then explored Mesopotamia and ancient India, before learning about ancient China. When exploring ancient China, students learnt about the famous Yangtze River and Huang He River, and learnt that Qin was the first emperor of China. The students were shown pictures of the magnificent Terracotta Army, which was buried with the emperor Qin to protect him in the afterlife. Finally, they learnt about the Forbidden City in Beijing. 

我們從非洲的古埃及出發,逐一造訪了四大文明古國。在學習古埃及的歷史中,我們知道了「尼羅河是世界第一長的河流」以及「古埃及的國王被稱爲法老,法老死後會被製作成木乃伊安葬在金字塔。」 ;接著,我們到訪了美索不達米亞和古印度;最後我們到達了古中國,認識了「長江」 和「黃河」 這兩大河流,並知道了「中國歷史上第一位使用皇帝稱號的君主是秦始皇」 ,在網絡課堂上,透過老師展示的圖片我們看到了場面非常壯觀的秦始皇兵馬俑,由此知道了秦始皇給自己建造了一個龐大的秦始皇陵,之後我們到了北京的故宮,這也是我們此次旅程的終點,我們完成了四大文明古國之旅。

K3 students have learnt about the wisdom of the ancient people and how they contributed to the development of modern society. We should treasure what they have done for us. 


Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


K2 | Tell Me a Story