Pre-Nursery | Colours and Shapes Make My World


We have had an awesome month while welcoming our Pre-Nursery students back on campus. We are so proud of how well they have settled in and how they are growing in confidence.


This month, we have explored the theme Colours and Shapes Make My World. Students played with different coloured foam blocks, colourful balloons, and Lego. They also danced with different coloured fabric. They’ve done such a great job!


We further explored colours during art. We applied paint on paper plates to make bluebirds and used a roll to stamp circles on paper and make juicy grapes.


Wonder Room time was filled with excitement as students rode cars, climbed on the climbing frame, role played in the Mills Doctor area, and crawled through the train.


During PE time, students practiced their gross motor skills as they tried to spin hula hoops around their waist, and passed the hoop from one hand, over their head and down their body.


Ms Slava, Ms Jasmine, and Ms Louise


Pre-Nursery students started their on-campus lessons on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, with parents accompanying them to school. Many of the children settled into school life very quickly and not only enjoyed singing and playing games with the teacher, but also took the initiative to help tidy up the toys. Some took a little longer to settle, but this is part of the natural separation routine. With gentle encouragement and care from the teachers, Pre-Nursery students have all adapted to school now. Well done, children! 


After completing the theme Amazing Me, Pre-Nursery students then started another wonderful theme, Colours and Shapes Make My World. They thoroughly enjoyed the storytelling sessions and listened carefully to stories such as Colourful Hot Spring and My Balloon. In addition, they learnt to name different colours in Mandarin and how to follow the rule of taking turns when playing games. We are delighted to see the children developing great social skills.


In late October, the students also learnt about Autumn and Halloween. Through singing and observing nature, the children learnt that autumn has come. We hope everyone has a wonderful mid-term break!


Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


K1 | I Am Growing Up


Playgroup | Me, My Friends and My Family