Playgroup | Winter Wonderland


It’s getting cold outside, winter is here! This December, our Playgroup students have been learning all about our topic Winter Wonderland, the weather and the magical time that is Christmas!  Our students were introduced to new vocabulary such as winter, gloves, sweater, snowball, snowman and snowflake. They loved learning about snow and all the wonderful things you can do with it, like building a snowman. We also revisited the theme of different body parts and facial features by identifying the parts of a snowman during pretend play.


In Sensory Play, we had an exciting time playing with snow and feeling the different textures hidden within a pile of snow. Students used their touch to play with shaving cream and water beads. It was a great way to practice our fine motor skills too! We have also been developing these skills during threading activities. We touched upon numeracy by counting all the colourful water beads in the snow together. The students also created winter and Christmas themed artwork.  


We also explored how the weather changes as the seasons change. In BookStart, we learned about different weather and the types of clothing we should wear when it gets cold.  


As December comes to an end, the students have shown great improvements in their ability to work independently and they are all working to achieve their individual goals.


Wishing you all a very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Ms Louise


Pre-Nursery | Winter Wonderland


December 2020