Playgroup | Introducing Alphabet


For the first month of 2021, our playgroup students have been learning about letters. Introducing the alphabet to our early learners has been a great way to expand our curiosity and vocabulary. It was exciting to see each child develop an interest in early literacy and academics!


Playgroup students have learned words like apple, baby, dinosaur, elephant, fish, guitar, house, igloo and more! These words were introduced through different multi-sensory and interactive activities in circle time where children get to touch theme-based objects. We enjoyed interactive activities like catching fish with the net and playing with textured drums which further reinforced the learned vocabulary.


We have created puzzle theme artworks for each letter, so the learners can practice their alphabet awareness at home. Each child was able to differentiate the different letter objects and match them. They loved role playing with the dinosaur, the cat and the dog, demonstrating fantastic imaginative and pretend play skills. During sensory play, we explored with playdough, letter salt painting and introduced pre-writing skills with sensory bags.


Our playgroup students are more familiar with their class routine and can recognise and express different feelings with more confidence. They have also grown a sense of belonging and friendship in the classroom environment. Our young learners can share, take turns and recognise their own classmates. Some of our students can also say names and have started becoming more vocal in class!


As a playgroup class, we have bonded and watched each other grow! This month has been full of excitement and laughter as we play and learn together.


Ms Louise


Pre-Nursery | Up in the Sky


January 2021