Pre-Nursery | Up in the Sky


We kicked off the new year in great spirits and learnt about caring for our environment, animals and the people around us during our Care for All Things week. Our young students learnt about taking care of pets and made beautiful turtle artworks. They’ve also shown love and regifted their cared for plants to their loved ones.


This month, our main theme was Up in the Sky. Students have learnt about the differences between the things we see during the day and during the night. We have also talked about daytime and night-time routines and our students made more beautiful artworks.


We miss traveling and getting on airplanes, so we pretended to travel to Okinawa with our class! We then made paper planes, kites and hot air balloons. They have had so much time flying all those objects in the sky.


There are so many beautiful animals that soar through the sky, so the students learnt which animals can fly and made their own wings fly around their house with.


January was a month filled with lots of singing, dancing, art and storytelling.


Ms Slava and Ms Louise


January has come and gone so quickly. Due to COVID-19, students have continued remote learning from home. They have become more familiar with their peers and I am happy to see them interacting more.


We began our new year by celebrating Care for All Things and the Pre-Nursery students focused on their family and friends. They listened to the stories, What is Love? and Everybody Needs Love, and learnt the song I Love My Family. Parents donated old clothes and toys to people in need, which set a good example to the children.


The students then moved to a new theme Up in the Sky. We explored different objects we can find in the sky. Through our online learning sessions and pre-recorded videos, students learnt sentences such as ‘There is sun in the sky’ and ‘I like birds’ in Mandarin.


During periods such as these, it is vital that school and home continue to work together to ensure the students continue to progress. We thank you for your time and continued support of the school.


 Huang Laoshi (Ms Tracy)


K1 | Jobs People Do


Playgroup | Introducing Alphabet